Magazine of the Anarchist Work Group South-East Friesland with the appearance and content of a Provo magazine
€ 95.00
Geert Venema et al. (Eds.) – Revoluutsie #01. Magazine of the Anarchist Work Group South-East Friesland. Content: Manifest of the white revolution; The revolt of left-wing Amsterdam in June 1966; Rap Brown and the SNCC; Stuart Christi.
Condition: Browning. Overall condition: Very Good.
Magazine 1st Edition 1st Printing. Publisher: Anarchistische Werkgroep Z.O.-Friesland, Z.O. Friesland. Year: 1966.
Size: 27.6 x 10.7 Cm.. Pages: 32. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #25261.