Provo magazine (1965-1967) Complete run of 16 issues – A complete run of 16 issues of the Amsterdam Provo magazine is offered. A complete run is extremely rare, especially due to the fact that most of the limited run of the first issue was confiscated by the police.
Contributors included Roel van Duyn, Joop Dielemans, Olaf Stoop, Constant Nieuwenhuys, Hans Metz, Rob Stolk, Robert Jasper Grootveld, Thom Jaspers, Hans Tuynman, Peter Bronkhorst, Garmt Kroeze, Martijn Ananar, Auke Boersma, Luud Schimmelpenninck and cartoonist Willem (Bernard Holtrop). The first issue appeared July 12, 1965 and the last extra edition was published in May 1967. All the issues are 1st edition 1st printing. Publisher: Provo, Amsterdam. Language: Dutch. Overall condition: Very good overall, with defects indicated.
The 16 issues:
- Provo no. 1. Content: Introduction to provocative thinking by Roel van Duyn; Ein Claus, ein Reich – Protests against the monarchy; The practical anarchist – A book review with recipes for explosives; Leonard Huizinga; The senseless sense of the senseless sentence inventor by R. Olaf Stoop. Toy explosive cap is present. Condition: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS ITEM IS IN FAIR CONDITION ONLY!!! Frayed edges with some paper loss and tiny tears; Tear or weak spot of 4 cm at the cover repaired with clean tape. Overall condition: Fair. Year: 1965. Size: 29.6 x 10.5 cm. Seller inventory: #28015.
- Provo no. 2.Content: The white bicycle plan to reduce pollution in the city; A lengthy (14 pp.) article on De Sade (was he an anarchist?) by Roel van Duyn; The police disrupts a happening (with centerfold and other pictures); Comments on the confiscation of Provo number 1. Condition: Slightly frayed upper edge. Year: 1965. Size: 32.5 x 10.9 cm. Pages: 36. Seller inventory: #27107.
- Provo no. 3. Content: Comparison between the Provo happenings and other spontaneous revolts in Amsterdam Protest at Van Heutz monuments in Coevorden and Amsterdam A telephone conversation between Simon Vinkenoog and Robert Jasper Grootveld; Happening in Den Bosch; Police officer Landman in the press. Condition: Slight creases. Year: 1965. Size: 29.7 x 10.6 cm. Pages: 36. Seller inventory: #27111.
- Provo no. 4. Content: New Baylon issue. New Babylon of Constant Nieuwenhuys by Roel van Duyn – The ideas of Constant, one of the founders of the COBRA movement were picked up by the Provo’s; Ownership is theft – Stealing is joy; The truth about the Amsterdam Provo’s; Preparations of the police for the happenings at “Het Lieverdje”; Provo in Antwerpen, Belgium; Bakoenin. Condition: Two small dog ears. Year: 1965. Size: 29.6 x 10.5 cm. Pages: 36. Seller inventory: #27113.
- Provo no. 5. Content: Cover: Great cartoon of Queen Juliana by Willem. Monarchy; Claus von Amsberg; King Willem III – The first Provo?; The “contra-prestatie” (Funding for artists); Centerfold illustration by Joop Dielemans; Protest singers and songs; Suicide; Provo The Hague; Monarchy issue. Condition: Slightly soiled; Staples removed. Year: 1965. Size: 29.6 x 10.5 cm. Pages: 36. Seller inventory: #28019.
- Provo no. 6. Content: The white chimney plan; Vietnam; Protest against the war in Vietnam; The anti-wedding present for Beatrix and Claus; The beat generation by Simon Vinkenoog; Lagor Waard; The foundation of REVO, the Belgian Provo magazine; Provo Rotterdam. Condition: Frayed edge of the cover; Faint folds; Slightly soiled. Overall condition: Good. Year: 1966. Size: 33.9 x 11.1 cm. Pages: 40. Seller inventory: #27120.
- Provo no. 7. Content: Claus von Amsberg issue. Cover: Grave stones Claus von Amsberg the then fiancZ of the future queen Beatrix of The Netherlands. The Provo’s opposed the marriage, because Claus served in the German army during World War II. Confiscated Provo issues; Provo and drugs/LSD; LSD and police horses; Cartoons Willem (Bernard Holtrop); Happenings. Year: 1966. Size: 29.7 x 10.5 cm. Pages: 40. Seller inventory: #28021.
- Provo no. 8. Content: Cover: Picture of white bicycle with Provos. Police brutalism; Prime minister Cals; State power, provocation and democracy; Cartoons by Willem; The White Chicken plan – The police force should be turned into social workers carrying condoms and matches; Feminist article about sexual liberation of women; Revolution in various countries; Centerfold cartoons by Willem; Vietnam; Advise for when you are arrested; ABC protest march against weapons; Provo top 17 – Number 1 Boudewijn de Groot met Meneer de president. Year: 1966. Size: 29.7 x 10.4 cm. Pages: 36. Seller inventory: #27125.
- Provo no. 9. Content: Election issue. New urbanism by Constant Nieuwenhuis; The “White” plans: The white chimney, the white bikes, the white chicken and the white housing plans; New Amsterdam: How Amsterdam should be organised; The Provo candidates for the city council; Comparison of Provo with “Had-je-me-maar”, a clochard who was elected in the city council in 1921. Cartoons by Willem (Bernard Holtrop). Condition: Creases. Year: 1966. Size: 29.5 x 10.5 cm. Pages: 48. Seller inventory: #27131.
- Provo no. 10. Content: Hans Tuynman must be released; Other Provo magazines; Guidelines for demonstrations. Condition: Slightly frayed upper edge. Year: 1966. Size: 30.4 x 10.5 cm. Pages: 40. Seller inventory: #28024.
- Provo no. 11. Content: Revolution and anarchism in Spain; Refusing army service found better than trying to change the system from within as suggested in a previous issue of Provo; Roel van Duyn on Belgium and its Provos; There should be an anti-sugar magician; White poets; Paul Goodman, who invented the white bicycle plan; Cartoons by Willem; Cars are killing machines; Herman “Stiletto” of the Leeuwarden Hawks wants a white “conviction records” plan, as he wants his records cleaned to get a job. Condition: Slightly faded colors. Year: 1966. Size: 29.7 x 10.6 cm. Pages: 40. Seller inventory: #27137.
- Provo no. 12. Content: Proleten (Proletarian) issue. Black Muslims; Malcolm X; China – Cultural revolution; Cartoon by Willem; Visit Provo to London – Indica bookshop, Jeff Nuttall, Miles, Free school etc. Condition; Browning at the lower edge. Condition: Minor paper loss at the lower right-hand coner and minor staining. Overall condition: Good. Year: 1966. Size: 30.8 x 10.6 cm. Pages: 48. Seller inventory: #7384.
- Provo no. 13. Content: Ongeluks (Bad luck) issue. Letter by Wim Kan (famous Dutch comedian) in which he refuses Provo candidacy for the parliament; Nieuwersluis – Prison for people that refuse army service; Vietnam; Abortion. Condition: Slight wear. Year: 1967. Size: 60.0 x 21.0 cm. Pages: 12. Seller inventory: #27151.
- Provo 14. Content: Election issue with articles on most Dutch political parties; Interview with Joseph Luns; Review “Het witte gevaar” (White danger), by Roel van Duyn; Financial overview 1966 with some exceptional items. Nice back cover drawing “Vietnam” by Sine; Domela Nieuwenhuis. Year: 1967. Size: 60.0 x 21.0 cm. Pages: 12. Seller inventory: #27155.
- Provo no. 15. Content: Provo proposes to change the Van Heutz monument into a Multatuli monument after bombing it; Provo declares to be against violence; Drawing by Willem; White bicycles in Berkeley; Domela Nieuwenhuis II; Miss Blanche, and emancipative symbol of the provocating woman, by Roel van Duyn; Dutch consumer organization. Year: 1967. Size: 60.0 x 21.0 cm. Pages: 16. Seller inventory: #27156.
- Provo no. Extra. Content: Extra bulletin for the (expected?) resignation of mayor of Amsterdam Van Hall with drawings by ZAS (Swip Stolk). Condition: Date in pen at the back cover. Overall condition: Good. Year: 1967. Size: 60.0 x 21.5 cm. Pages: 4. Seller inventory: #27160.