André Van Lier & gta Design Partners – Stem maar Kabouter lijst 18. Gnomes (Kabouter) poster the National Parliament (Tweede kamerverkiezingen) election 1971. The elections ended without any seats for Kabouter. The Kabouters (Gnomes) were the successors of Provo.
See: Coen Tasman (1996) Louter Kabouter. Kroniek van een beweging 1969-1974. Babylon/De Geus, Amsterdam. Design b. Reproduced in Duivenvoorden, Eric (2005) Met Emmer en Kwast. Veertig Jaar Nederlandse Actieaffiches 1965-2005 (Het Fort van Sjakko, Amsterdam) page 21. At least one other design exists.
Condition: Creases at the edges and slightly elsewhere. Overall condition: Good.
Poster 1st Edition 1st Printing. Publisher: Kabouter Pers, The Hague. Year: 1971.
Size: 61.8 x 47.0 cm. Pages: 1. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #9062.