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Deskundologie Rotterdam (1973) Exhibition catalog

Catalog of an exhibition of Deskundologie and the Insect sect

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Rotterdamse Kunststichting. Afdeling Tentoonstellingen – Deskundologie Rotterdam 1973. Catalog of an exhibition of Deskundologie and the Insect sect – Theo Kley, Robert Jasper Grootveld and Max Reneman at Lijnbaancentrum, Lijnbaan, Rotterdam, The Netherlands on March 18 – April 24, 1973.

Condition: Creases; Brown spots at the covers. Overall condition: Good.
Brochure 1st Edition 1st Printing. Publisher: Rotterdamse Kunststichting. Afdeling Tentoonstellingen, Rotterdam. Year: 1973.
Size: 29.6 x 20.7 cm. Pages: 30. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #25943.

Background information

In the Sixties and Seventies, Max Reneman (artist and dentist; 1923-1978)), Robert Jasper Grootveld (ex-anti-smoking magician and ex-Provo; 1932-2009) and Theo Kley (artist; 1936) carried out all kinds of projects, such as:

  • De Keerkring an art society founded in 1949, that since 1950 had regular exhibitions in the Stedelijk Museum, the Amsterdam modern art museum. The exhibitions changed completely when chairman of De Keerkring Max Reneman met Theo Kley and Robert Jasper Grootveld in 1968.
  • The Eksooties Kietsj Konservaatooriejum (EEK; The exotic vulgar conservatory) was founded in 1968 by Theo Kley. There were few restrictions for participating in the EEK. Every musical instrument was acceptable, as long as the player used it in his or her own way. Instruments used were for example piano strings connected with coil springs, a children’s barrel organ and small plastic balls. The flute player alternated Eastern melodies with forceful blows in a vacuum cleaner hose.
  • The Insekten Sekte (Insect sect) was founded in 1969 by Theo Kley and Robert Jasper Grootveld. The Insecten Sekte was one of the first in The Netherlands to focus on ecological problems. They organized meetings and created the Vlinderopera (Butterfly Opera). Their logo was an immune blue butterfly. According to the Insekten Sekte, immune blue powder was needed at large scale to purify water and air. Performances of the Insekten Sekte were accompanied by the Resistentie Orkest (Resistance Orchestra). In 1969, the members had a meeting with John Lennon and Yoko Ono at their Bed-in at the Amsterdam Hilton Hotel.
  • The Deskundologisch Laboratorium (Expertology Laboratory), which studied the ordinary: “If you focus your research exclusively on the problems, you will overlook the things that really stand out. Deskundologen (Expertologists) speak in clear language about simple matters”. Deskundologie (Expertology) is “what everyone can feel with their clogs on and that does not go over anyone’s cap. The Deskundologie (Expertology) is made public through public actions, exhibitions and publications such as Het Deskundologisch Tijdschrift (The Expertology Magazine; 1971) and the Handboek der Deskundologie Deel 1 (Handbook of Expertise Part I; 1972) in which the expert doctrine is elaborated and applied. Expertise proves to be the ultimate emblematic answer to all problems”. Following a thorough investigation by the Deskundologisch Laboratorium, and building on the idea that Holland created itself, Holland was found to be “almost finished”.
  • The Amsterdam Ballon Gezelschap (Amsterdam Balloon Society) was based on kite parties organized by Theo Kley. The still existing Amsterdam Ballon Gezelschap promotes “soft aviatio” as an alternative for airplane noise. The society is open and free to anyone who loves balloons.

Cor Jaring (1936-2013) was the photographer and occasional participant that documented the projects in pictures.

Refs: Theo Kley & Ineke Jungschleger (1969) Moeder, wat is er mis —– met deze planeet? (Thomas Rap, Amsterdam); Jan Juffermans (1972) Handboek der deskundologie Deel 1 (Laren); Alice Roegholt (2001) Appels op de oceaan … Oceaan, oceaan, waar komt die naam vandaan? (Stichting De Golf, Amsterdam) pp. 58-59; Marjolijn van Riemsdijk (2001) De bestorming van het onmogelijke. Max Reneman, De Keerkring & de collectieve verbeelding (Bres, Amsterdam).

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