Complete run of this Kabouter magazine focused on environmental issues
€ 220.00
Kabouter / Oranje Vrijstaat (Gnomes / Orange Free State) focused on environmental issues. Four issued, plus a fifth as part of newspaper “De Nieuwe Linie.
See: Tasman, Coen “Louter Kabouter. Kroniek van een beweging 1969-1974” pages 113-115.
Roel van Duyn et al. (Eds.). Magazine 1st Edition 1st Printing. Publisher: De Paniekzaaier, Amsterdam. Size: 29.4 x 10.2 cm. Language: Dutch.
Complete set of the regular 4 magazines:
1. De Paniekzaaier #1. Content: Philips Duphar produces nerve gas; Panic University; The raise of panic science; Alternative culture in the 17th ad 18th century; Mansholt; Very nice cartoons by Willem (Bernard Holtrop. Condition: Brown burn spot at the bottom of the spine. Overall condition: Good. Year: 1971. Pages: 34. Seller inventory: #26239.
2. De Paniekzaaier #2. Content: Special Water Issue. Water pollution; Soap; Course catastrophology; Philips Duphar; What do the kabouters do in the city council?; Very nice cartoons and a great centerfold (!!!!) by Willem (Bernard Holtrop. Condition: Slight wear. Overall condition: Very Good. Year: 1971. Pages: 42. Seller inventory: #26192
3. De Paniekzaaier #3. Content: Building for the Future Issue. Atomic energy; Panic health care; Course catastrophology; Water pollution; Fluor does not prevent tooth decay; Nature protection. Overall condition: Very Good. Year: 1972. Pages: 42. Seller inventory: #26241.
4. De Paniekzaaier #4. Content: Jolly Issue. Very nice cartoons and centerfold by Willem (Bernard Holtrop; The Mentaweiers in Indonesia; Freedom; Solar energy; Catastrophology. Condition: Slight wear. Overall condition: Very Good. Year: 1972. Pages: 42. Seller inventory: #26194.